Friday, February 13, 2009

Spirit Led Media Sample Teaching Samples

Spirit Led Media Demo of Misc video clips

How to Make a B Movie

Lights, cameras, action and role em” are the words that we hear from actors pretending to be movie makers. In this age of camcorders and digital editing, more people are joining the world of real movie making. Today’s movie making can be quite expensive. Of course few movies come close to the monumental $200 million dollars plus budget of Spiderman 3; which is still to date considered the most expensive movie ever made.

But before you get discouraged, there is a way to get your feet wet without spending nearly that much. Try starting with a B movie. This is a low budget movie that if done right could still reel in the bucks. You might even be as fortunate as the makers of the B movie, “The Blair Witch Project” who made the Guinness World book of records for earning $10, 931 for every dollar that was spent – grossing over $100 million dollars. This article will tell you how to get your own "B" movie ready.